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Friday, February 28, 2025

John Doe

A very inspiring article worth reading:
Once there was a man who did not make it to university. So, his mother got him a wife. After the marriage, he worked as a teacher in a primary school. Due to the lack of experience, he was squashed by the students in less than a week.

When he returned home, his wife dried his tears. She comforted him with these words.
'When one is too full, he could either pour it out what's in him or he just could not pour it out at all. You should not be too sad about it. Probably there is a more suitable job waiting for you out there.'
Later on, he found another job and not for so long, he was fired due to his slowness. This time, the wife commented. 'There are always people who are skillful and non-skillful. Some have experience from their years of work. As for you, you were in school all this while. So, how could you acquire these needed skills?'
He went for a number of jobs but never stayed long in those jobs. Each time, he would return home with a dejected spirit. His wife would always comfort him and never for once, she was disappointed or resentful.
He was in his thirties when he acquired a flair in languages. He became a counselor in a school for the deaf and mute. Later on, he opened a school for the disabled. A few years later, he set up chain stores in different cities and provinces selling apparatus & equipment for the disabled. He became a multi-millionaire. He was John Doe!
One day he asked his wife. 'When I was looking bleak at my own future, what's the reason that you have so much faith in me?'

His wife gave him a very simple reply. She said, '
When a piece of land is not suitable for planting wheat, we could try planting beans. If the beans are not growing well, we could try planting fruits or gourds. If the vegetation is not economical, we can instead scatter buckwheat seeds. These seeds will one day bloom into flowers. On this land itself, there will be one seed that will germinate and grow.'
After having listened to the wife's explanation, he cried. His wife's faith, love, patience, and persistence in him is liken to the one seed in the land. This is the seed that persists and creates the miracle on this piece of land.
"In this world, there's no one person who is useless. It is just that they have not positioned themselves firmly in right place"

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Sunday, December 15, 2024

What I learn in Corporate Life?

What I learn in Corporate Life?
1. I learnt to operate 3 critical machines.
    * Scanner
    * Printer
    * Xerox Machine

2. I learnt to use 3 High End Software:
    * Microsoft Word
    * Microsoft Excel
    * Microsoft PowerPoint
3. I learnt to use 3 great short cuts: -
    * Ctrl+C
    * Ctrl+V
    * Ctrl+S
4. I learnt to say three very important words for professional life: -
    * Yes sir
    * Ok sir.
    * I'll Just Do That sir
5. When I really wanted to quit, I learnt to: -
    * Wake Up early
    * Sleep late
    * Continue to Work
6. I learnt to: -
    * Face Monday
    * Fight For next 5 Days
    * Wait For Sunday
7. I learnt to give reasons to family, friends and relatives for not making
    * Phone Calls
    * Messages
    * Mails
8. I learnt to celebrate these things far away from loved ones: -
    * Birthday
    * New Year
    * Festivals

9. At the end, People say: -
    * You Learnt...
    * You Earned...
    * You Enjoyed...
10. But when I compare me with my self...
    * I just Sustained...
    * I just Tolerated...
    * I just Survived... (all for money)
11. I have survived: -
    * For convenience of my Family...
    * To avoid blame of Society...
    * To get tag of Employment...
Dedicated to all the corporate employees.
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